Home Events - Transistion Coaching Social preneurship American Welcoming Association (AWA) Members and Guests Monthly Luncheon


Feb 29 2024


11:30 am - 2:00 pm

American Welcoming Association (AWA) Members and Guests Monthly Luncheon

All Newcomers to Fiji and Members and Guests are Welcome.  We hold our luncheon at various locations around the area and hold many special classes and events.  Please see our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/awafiji  for specific information.

“AWA is a community of people from around the world, who come together to enhance their Fiji

experience through fun and fulfilling volunteer-run activities.”

The American Welcoming Association (AWA), formerly the American Women’s Association (as

is still the official name in our banking records) hereinafter (the Association) was founded in Fiji

in 2008 to promote and support newcomers as they settle in Fiji. We aim to do so by creating a

a welcoming and inclusive robust community of members that engages in social, learning and

networking activities and welcoming newcomers to this community, sharing key resources, local

practices and opportunities. By creating inclusive programming, connecting members to

community and opportunities at a variety of price points, the Association strives to foster

interaction, build cultural competency and ultimately enhance each member’s overall

experience in Fiji.

AWA welcomes members of all nationalities with an interest in or ties to American culture.

If you are new to Fiji and would like to become a member or if you would like to renew a lapsed membership, please submit this application form online.

Membership fees are F$20 for one year (2023). From January 1, 2024, Membership Rates shall be FJD$40 annually and multi-year member subscriptions shall cease.

For bank transfer, please pay to:
American Women’s Association (FIJI)
Westpac Garden City Branch
Account Number: 9801271942

Please put your name in the reference field so we can track the payment and send us an email at awasuva@gmail.com letting us know when you’ve made the transfer.

The event is finished.

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